CRC Bypasses - Bypasses Hackshield & MapleStory crcs. Must be activated at the play screen before anything else. You must open MapleStory.exe in CE before you assign the script to your CT.
UA - Allows the character to attack over 100 times in the same spot without moving.
UB - Allows the character to use the same buff over 20 times in the same spot without moving.
FH Spawn Control - Allows you to pick an area to always spawn at.
PVac - Changes footholds of the map so that monsters will walk to the X location where the script was activated. The map must have a mini map & it must be open.
Prev Vac - Makes all monsters walk right.
Next Vac - Makes all monsters walk left.
Mob SpeedUp - Makes monsters walk faster.
7Miss Godmode - Makes the character get missed 7 times, then hit once.
LBGM - Makes the character blink for about 45 seconds when hit.
No KB - Prevents KB to the character.
Lag Hack - Lags monsters. Effect is server sided unless you are not alone. May get you banned if you're not alone.
DG Item Vac - Allows you to loot 3 items from anywhere, disconnects on the 3rd item looted. You must open MapleStory.exe in CE before you assign the script to your CT.
Instant Drop 1 - Allows you to loot an item before it hits the ground.
Instant Drop 2 - Makes items fall instantly to the ground on your screen.
Tubi - Allows you to loot items at a faster rate.
ItemMeso Filter - Type 0 filters all items in the BadItems list in the script. Type 1 filters all items except items in the GoodItems list in the script. Can also filter mesos of a certain value or lower.
CS Click Vac [Mob] - Vacs everything but your character to the XY you have clicked your mouse at. Will ban if you attack monsters except with summons. This vac is client sided.
CS Click Vac [Char] - Vacs just your character to the XY you have clicked your mouse at. Will ban if you attack. This vac is client sided.
PIC Typer - Allows your PIC to be typed instead of using the on-screen keypad.
Filter Avatar Smega - Filter the Avatar Smega messages so they do not appear on your screen.
Anti Breath - Allows you to change channels or use the cash shop without catching your breath first.
Full Monster Book - Completes your monster book so that you can view info about any monster. This hack is client sided.
Anti Death - Allows the character to move around even with 0 HP. This hack is server sided.
Sit Hack - Makes your character sit. You may move around with this hack on. This hack is server sided.
AutoDC - Disconnects you to the login screen when people are near. By default 0 people are allowed. This can be changed by changing the value of "People Limit"
AutoCC - Changes channels automatically when people come near you. Should be used with Anti Breath for best results.
Auto Exit CS - Automatically exits the Cash Shop when you enter it. Since entering the Cash Shop via a key press is possible, this hack makes automatically entering the Cash Shop possible.
Filtered Faded - Kills all monsters on the map by moving them off map. Won't ban.
Jump Down Anywhere - Allows you to use the jump down skill anywhere, even to jump off map.
View Swears - You will not longer see text filtered into *.
Alt Tubi - Kills the delays in many things, may disconnect. Can be used with Tubi.
No Mob KB - Prevents monsters from being knocked back by your attacks.
SAWMCIB - Stops the character from attacking when the mob count is below a set level. To save potions.
Levitate - Allows the character to float. Will disconnect if you move left or right. May ban on maps with monsters that jump.
Infinite Ladder & Rope - Allows the character to climb up or down a rope/ladder forever. Will disconnect if you climb too much or too fast.
Kill Ending Ad - Prevents the ending ad window from ever opening.
Increase Miss Delay - Increases the delay between misses that happen to your character.
Stat Hook - Read HP/MP/EXP max & current values.
Revive - While dead, if you press "OK" to return to town, you will instead revive instantly on the spot you died. May disconnect if you die over & over & spam "OK"
Get User & Pass - Script which grabs your username & password at the time of login. For info windows in trainers. Should be activated at or before the login screen.
Get PIC - Logs the PIC as it is typed. For info windows in trainers & such.
Full Godmode - Prevents any damage or kockback from ever happening to the character. Will ban if you attack. The ban can be bypassed though.
MoonBunny Godmode - Prevents damage to the MoonBunny in Henesys PQ. Will also prevent damage to any monster which has the "damagedByMob" flag set to one. You must be in control of the monster for this hack to protect it.
Update Char Info - Keeps certain key info pointers (in CT file) for your character updated by refreshing the character info box. These pointers are located in the CT download.
Get Current Lvl - This small hook gets the characters current level. It will always be accurate, even at the character select screen.
CPAAL - Create party at any level. Usually you cannot create a party if you are under level ten.
Fix MiniMap XY - Makes it so the mini map XY pointers will always be accurate, even if the mini map is disabled or closed.
Death Click Teleport - Allows you to click anywhere on the map & teleport to that place. This will disconnect when over used. For best results do not click & hold the mouse down. Only click. Can be used with the hack "Levitate" Walk a bit after teleporting to prevent disconnection further.
NPC Value Exploit - Allows you to exploit NPCs which allow you to enter a value while talking to them. This is mostly patched now.
EDB - Enable disabled buttons. Useful when you need to use a feature which would normally be disabled. Such as deleting offline buddies. May require you to hover your mouse over the button to enable it.
Filter Smega - Filters all Smega type messages (except Avatar Smega messages) so they do not appear on your screen.
NPC Shop Exploit - Changes the max amount you can buy at once from NPC Shops to 32512. For example you could buy 32512 red potions at once, in one single stack.
CS Equip Hack - Allows you to replace the image of any equip that you are currently wearing. Of course only you will see the new equips. Can also be used to replace your current weapon with a faster weapon. The weapon must be the same type as the one you are using, otherwise the damage you do will become client sided.
GSFH - Gender Skin Face Hair. Similar to CS Equip Hack, this hack allows you to change your gender, skin color, face, and hair. This hack is purely client sided, no one but you will see the changes.
GM Effect For All - Forces all characters to appear to have the GM effect above them. How could this be useful?
MWLB Effect For All - The same idea as GM Effect For All, only with the MWLB effect.
ZHelm Effect For All - The same idea as GM Effect For All, only with the ZHelm effect.
Bird Nest Effect For All - The same idea as GM Effect For All, only with the Bird Nest effect.
Birthday Finder - Activate while inside the Cash Shop. The character you're using must be level ten or higher. "tries" will show the amount of birthdays tried. "curbday" will show the birthday being tried currently. "bday" will be zero until the correct birthday is found, then its value will be the correct birthday.
Teleport To FM - Once activated this hack will send you to the Free Market Entrance. Once you exit the Free Market Entrance you will be in Perion.
Block Damage - Prevents the damage packet from being sent. This type of godmode does ban, but not as often as others.
JumpDie - Once activated this hack will cause your character to die the moment it touches the ground from jumping.
Magic Whisper - With this hack enabled every person you whisper will see a notice appear on their screen. This notice will contain the message you typed. It will not contain your characters name. So when using this hack you can whisper users anonymously or impersonate GMs/others.
Block HPMP Regen - Normally used with speed hack to prevent disconnection.
Mob No Jump - Makes jumping monsters unable to jump.
BP Hack - A set of hacks used for Body Pressure no delay. Will ban if you are on monsters during attacking or if you increase the skill level of BP while hacking.
Auto Turn - Makes your character turn the opposite direction after each attack. Useful when in the middle of a large group of monsters or in maps where monsters attack from both sides.
Move Immovable Skills - Allows you to drag & drop normally immovable skills. Such Aran class skills. Being able to move these skills means you can easily set them to any key & use them directly.
Spawn Point Control - Similar to FH Spawn Control, but more accurate. You must set SPXY to the X you want to spawn at & set SPXY+04 to the Y you want to spawn at.
Meso Dropper - Allows you to drop mesos at a fast rate without disconnection. Set "DAmount" to the amount of drops you want to happen. Set "PerDrop" to the amount of mesos you want per drop. Once both values are set correctly the script will automatically drop mesos according to the settings you have entered.
Stop Aran Att Movement - Disables the normal movement that happens when attacking monsters using an aran.
FLACC - Face left after changing channels, normally you will face right.
Basic Text Mod - Allows you to change the color of text you see when you or others use "To All" chat. This hack is client sided. Only you will see the new color.